so its literally been almost 2 months since i blogged....i think lol
there has been a lot going on in my life since that time i blogged. i've met some cool people, i've been reacquainted with old faces also. i'd don't have the time to go completely into detail about EVERYTHING but i will do the most that i can...
so school has started and i'm doing well in ALL of my classes. i'm taking Italian this fall and i enjoy it!! i don't really need it, but i want to take a foreign language for my own personal reasons. but i want to go to Italy next summer for my Bday. i've started saving up for it and everything. i'm hoping that by january 2011 i'll have the majority of it paid for. i remember talking about it to a friend of mine this past summer about possibly going together, but since we are no longer talking, looks like i will be traveling alone. one of my friends said she wanted to go, but we'll see if she decides to actually go. i have projects due in ALL my classes but i actually like being busy. i've never had so much work in college. it really makes me upset about how much i procrastinated with school in the past but i am glad that i can appreciate the hard work now.
social life....well, i wouldn't say that it doesn't exist, but i have been spending time with people that were in my life at one point in time, but left for whatever reasons but are now back. one thing i have learned is that you can't always control the paths that people take in life. if it just so happens to cross yours then u have to do your part to make an impression on that person so that they feel the need to keep u in it. and if they don't want you to be in it, then don't force the issue. i am so grateful for the people in my life now, but if for whatever reason they don't want to be in mine, then so be it. i wish them the best. still no girlfriend, but i'm not really worried about tho. she'll come when the time is right. 3.5 months of no sex and i'm going strong! lol
my grandmother isn't doing well at all. her health has gone on a downward spiral since the last time i blogged. some days are good, but the bad ones are very bad. i went to see her on saturday and i had to hold back from crying. i hate to see her in pain. its just a difficult thing to be exposed to when u are only used to seeing these things happen in movies or other families. i try to make sure i see her whenever i can. some days she knows who i am, other days she doesn't. so as u can see, i have to just roll with her moods.
thats all i have to really talk about for now. i'll be back later this week with more in depth information on my social life.