Tuesday, November 15, 2011

i'm back from my trip to DC/NYC and i must say i enjoyed it in every way possible!!! i miss being on the east coast so much!! there was so much to do on a regular day of the week. here in memphis it feels like, sometimes in order to have fun, there has to be something going on. now don't get my wrong, my friends and i have fun every time we hang out. but in dc every night is exciting. and i don't even want to start on NY night life.

Visiting my family was great too! i haven't seen them in years. i got to finally meet my favorite cousins' kids and her husband. i got my meet my other cousins' new husband too! really nice guy. i can't wait to go back. i'm actually thinking about moving up there sometime next year in 2012. my job will allow me to transfer and i can finish school online. i want to move to DC though. i had more fun there. in NYC i wouldn't be able to focus on work if i lived there. i would only want to have fun and run the streets. in DC i could work and commute to NY on the weekends and come back on sunday night and be ready for work on monday. i just have a few things here in memphis that i need to handle first and then i will be ready to dip.

thats all i have for now talk to you guys later

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