Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My bad lol


man u guys i can't lie, i've been purposely holding back from writing because i was hoping to come back with some great news regarding my personal life, a new job, relocation blah blah blah, but i've got nothing new to bring you guys lol well i mean i do but not what i wanted to say. the job that i applied for, i didn't get. i was really down about it to because it was a great opportunity for me to grow and become more successful *NOT TO MENTION THAT I WOULD BE GETTING OUT OF MEMPHIS* but hey it just wasn't meant to be. my birthday was cool. went out with some friends. it was cool. i was a little disappointed that i didn't hear from or see certain people, but hey it is what it is. i got EVERYTHING that i asked for except the fitted yankee hat. i got like 16 boxes of mike and ike's lol i every box too #dontjudgeme lol i got a few movies and blu-ray dvds and i got season 7 of seinfeld too. so it was an overall good birthday.

let's see what else.....

oh! my social life......o_O

I started seeing this girl right around my birthday and it was cool. we went out on a few dates talked on the phone or whatever, but we just didn't have that connection, so we stopped talking shortly after. i wasn't upset about it honestly. there's no love lost between us so when i see her it's not bad vibes or anything. shortly after i her, i started talkin to someone else, but it started off being just friendly stuff. no real flirting or anything just kept it cool. then one night we stayed up and talked and things just.....changed. i think that when i meet girls that are out of the of a "memphis girl" i get excited and i start jumping the gun. long story short i had a 500 days of summer moment, but in reality it was more like a month, but not with all the emotions and feeling that occurred in the movie. some of the emotions though. you guys get what i'm trying to say lol but i got really excited because i met someone that i liked and liked me back, but she just wasn't ready. i kept saying to myself to just give her time and she will come around, but due to certain circumstances she never did. it hurt. it hurt bad because i knew better. but hey, thats life sometimes. so its back to square one for the kid...ALONE........ sometimes i wonder when my day will come, but then i get sad because i don't see it happening anytime soon, so i no longer wonder...

i have to admit that i have jumped ships and started a tumblr account. i kinda like it better because i can just say what i'm thinking RIGHT then and not have to go through the process of blogging. its like blogging on the go actually. but i'm not going anywhere. i haven't forgotten my roots lol so i will begin writing more as well. hey, i don't have anything but time now right :-/ that's all for now.....
