Friday, October 22, 2010

song of the day

ok so its friday folks!!! hope everyone had a good week. this weeks song selection was tough because i couldn't choose a song lol this selection process is harder than you think. songs back in the day were so good. lol but hopefully you all will like the song so without further ado, here's the song. some of my readers might be old enough to remember this song lol Have a great weekend folks! be safe out there.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

weekend update 10/21/10

hey everyone!!!

i know i said i was gonna be back on Monday with my weekend update but, i had a long weekend. it actually didn't end until Tuesday night. but i really didn't do much though. i was suppose to take a little trip this weekend but it didn't work out. my friend ended up not being able to come so i had to stay in Memphis all weekend for fall break. this is the first time in 2 or 3 years that i didn't go out of town for the break but i got some much needed rest. so what did i do you ask? well, I'm bout to tell ya lol

Friday night i went to Memphis madness for out basketball team. i had a lot of fun. i ended up with my Cre and her friends. it was easily 15 of them. yeah they were THAT deep. so we all sat together and joked and enjoyed ourselves. then we when to this fish place downtown and it was ok. not the biggest fried fish fan, unless its catfish from a black restaurant lol so after we ate we went to this bar that i totally forgot the name of now, but we had some shots and then Cre and i left. but i want to go back and discuss some of her friends. first off let me say that i felt a little out place because i was wearing my Memphis tigers t-shirt and they all had on like polo shirts and nice slacks and the girls were all dressed nice so I'm clearly the kid in this situation lol but when we were all eating, i found out a few things that some of the guys did for a living and they were VERY successful. as in $$$$$$$$ SUCCESSFUL. it was very inspiring though at the same time because these guys were only a year or 2 older than me. they were very down to earth and they said that they would invite me out with them the next time they went out. they reminded me a little of my crew. i want my boys and i to be successful and still be close at the same time. hopefully in the next few years when we are all done with school and well into our professions we can be that way. time will tell......

Saturday was a BAD day for me. like i don't even want to discuss it, because it still pisses me off about what happened. eventually i will have to talk about it because there will be some changes made for me personally very soon, so i will keep u posted. Sunday i went to church and relaxed. i didn't really do much besides work on Monday. Tuesday night i went out to see one of my followers on twitter perform at this place in midtown last night. i honestly didn't think i was going to enjoy myself as much as i did. Sean put on a great show!! me and my first family attended and a few other people that they knew came too and we all had a good time.there were these guys that were there and they KNEW EVERY WORD TO EVERY SONG Sean did. it must be a great feeling being a performer and seeing people singing and relating to the songs that you wrote. after the show, we all went to my favorite place......HUEY'S!!! lol Sean came too and we all kicked it and talked had a really good time. man i wish i had recorded some of the show so i could upload some of it to show u guys. I'm gonna purchase his album next week when i get paid and i will have one of his songs for the "Song of the day" post.

so that was my weekend, very productive, yet relaxing at that same time. oh and if anyone wants to recommend songs for me to post for the "song of the day" post, feel free to do so! i enjoy the feedback that you all give me and i thank you all for your comments. also shoutout to my new blogger followers! thank you for stopping by and reading my blog! well that's all i have to say for now. have a good one folks!


Friday, October 15, 2010

Music Friday!!!

i haven't done this is in a LOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGGGGG time!! so i'm bringing it back. here's the song of the day. hope everyone has a great day and weekend! i'll be back on monday for the weekend update! be safe out there folks!


Sunday, October 10, 2010

weekend update

hey everyone!!!

how was your weekend? did u you guys go out and enjoy yourselves?? My weekend was ok. i work went to church and watched a lot of football. lol i met one of my followers too saturday night. really nice girl. she was very different than any girl i've met in recent months. very humble and wholesome. good sense of humor as well. she mentioned something to me that was kinda personal about her and it kinda surprised me. it's been a while since i've met anyone like her but what really surprised me is how she told me guys treated her. that really bothered me because she is a GREAT girl that any guy should be honored to call "his" girl. But then she said something that really got my attention she said that she wasn't worried about them because they weren't on her level spiritually. and that really impressed me. i don't EVER hear anyone say things like that and i realized that i want to be around more people like that. more girls that stand for something and mean it. but anywho, i had a fun night.

oh and if you haven't listened to Bruno Mars album, i suggest you do. its good. you're listening to a song from the album now!


Friday, October 8, 2010

The Everyday Struggles.....

As a child you never really know what your life will like as an adult. you don't think about bills, the realistic vision of having a family of your own and the responsibilities that go into place. i was fortunate enough as a child to live in a good environment and grow up to have good values and morals. i know first hand what its like to experience the climb from the bottom to the top to achieve the "American dream". i struggled with my father and my mother during their divorce. when one parent was doing well, the other, not so much. it wasn't til recent years that both sides were finally living comfortably. My father struggled to find his place in life and after 54 yrs of living he's finally found his place. My mother on the other hand, suffered in marriage to my step father for almost 20 yrs that she didn't want to be apart of for the last 10 yrs of the marriage. she's JUST now finally 100% happy. and i say that to say this, i don't know where my life is going to take me. i'm at the point in my life where if i choose option A, i go here. if i choose option B, i go there. i'm confident that i will make the right choices, but i don't want to have to go through hitting rock bottom in order to get to the "HAPPY" place in my life. Today was a real eye opening day for me because i felt the closing walls of reality get THAT much closer. I'm not living in denial or anything like that, but i'm just not happy. not 100%. i really feel like i'm rambling, but i'm really not. i know someone out there knows what i'm trying to say.


Monday, October 4, 2010

we DO exist

today on twitter there was a discussion about the "non existing" GOOD man. i'm so sick and tired of hearing this. women stay saying that good men don't exist or that "men aint shit" *excuse my french*. well let's think about that.what are YOU doing wrong? where are you getting or selecting your mates? where are u meeting these guys? the clubs? on beale street? the mall? i mean seriously. how do u expect to find a good guy when you are look in the wrong places? i wouldn't dare give my number to a girl at the club and think that she is "THE ONE". she's "the one" for the night. you can't possibly think that the guy that is a dope dealer, that already has 5 kids with 5 other women, is going to be a good man for you. he's in and out of jail constantly! but yet u staying by his side with a tattoo of his name on your neck. Get real ladies.

if a guy, like myself, comes to you on a respectable manor, you all brush us off. we are instantly put in the friend zone and you assume that we are the "push over" guy. Well that couldn't be any further than the truth. just because i don't sleep with every girl that walks past me or at least attempt to, doesn't mean that not any less of a man than the guy that is walking around with his pants hanging down. if you want a good man, stop settling for the trash that comes your way. just because u had a bad break up with an ex or he cheated on you, doesn't mean the next guy will. i'm not saying to just have your guard down, but don't have the wall at an unclimbable height. i would never take anything out on the next girl just because my ex did me wrong. if anything, i'm going to pick up on traits and signs to show me that you are either a good girl or someone i don't need to mess with.

idk if it's a nurturing, *that's not really the word i was looking for* thing that women feel the need to have someone around to make them feel "complete", not lonely, or what. but if you all take your time when you like a guy you will see what type of man he is. and stop sleeping with men so soon. that's key too. you want to see how long a guy will hang around? tell him you aren't having sex til you get married. see his response. No respectable man should want/wants to be with a woman that gives it up after a week (or less) as far as a relationship goes. At least I don't.......but what really bothers me the most about this, is that women already KNOW these things, but yet they want to STILL date the wrong type of guy and then a week or 2 later they want to curse the world.

man i had to get that off my chest. i'll check in with you guys later.....